The Notion Water Bottle Widget

Hey there, health-conscious friend!

Are you constantly forgetting to drink enough water throughout the day? We’ve all been there, caught up in work or Netflix, suddenly realizing we’re parched. Well, say hello to your new hydration buddy – the Notion Water Bottle Widget!

Who’s this for?

  • Busy professionals who forget to hydrate
  • Health enthusiasts tracking their water intake
  • Anyone looking to build better hydration habits
  • Notion lovers who enjoy a bit of fun in their workspace Why use it?

Why use it?

  • Visual reminder right in your Notion workspace
  • Fun, interactive way to track your daily water intake
  • Helps you build a healthy habit without the hassle
  • It’s just plain cute – who doesn’t love a virtual water bottle?

How it works:

Just embed this widget in your Notion page, and voila! You’ll see an adorable animated water bottle. As you drink water throughout the day, click to fill it up. Watch those waves rise and feel accomplished as you reach your hydration goals!

Where to get it:

You can grab this nifty widget on Gumroad. One small purchase of better hydration!


Q: Is it hard to set up?
A: Nope! Just copy-paste a link into Notion. If you can embed a YouTube video, you can use this widget.

Q: Will it remind me to drink water?
A: The widget itself doesn’t send notifications, but its presence in your Notion workspace serves as a visual reminder. Pro tip: Place it next to your to-do list for maximum visibility!

Q: Can I use it on mobile?
A: Absolutely! As long as you can access your Notion on mobile, your water bottle buddy will be there.

Q: Is my data private?
A: 100%. Your hydration data stays right there in your Notion – we can’t see it, and we don’t want to!

Remember, staying hydrated is key to feeling great and being productive. Why not make it fun with Water Bottle Widget? Grab yours now and let’s raise a glass (or bottle) to your health!

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