Mood Tracker Widget

Hey there! Check out this cool Mood Tracker Widget

So, you know how sometimes it’s hard to keep track of how you’re feeling? Well, I made this neat little widget that can help with that. It’s super easy to use and kinda fun too!

What’s it all about?

It’s basically a digital mood ring, but way more accurate (and it won’t turn your finger green). You just click on the face that matches how you’re feeling, and boom! You’re tracking your mood.

Why might you want it?

  • It’s cute: The little face changes expressions. Who doesn’t love an animated face?
  • It’s easy: Seriously, if you can click a button, you can use this.
  • It’s private: Your mood info stays on your device. No one’s snooping on your feelings.
  • It works everywhere: Phone, tablet, computer – it’ll look good on all of them.

Who’s it for?

Really, anyone who’s interested in understanding their emotions better. But it could be extra awesome for:

  • Bloggers who want to add a little something extra to their site
  • Therapists looking for a simple way for clients to track moods
  • Companies wanting to check in on how their team is doing
  • Teachers trying to make learning about emotions more fun
  • Anyone trying to get to know themselves better

How do you use it?

  1. Buy it (obviously 🙂
  2. Download the stuff I’ll send you (txt file with the link)
  3. Embed the link via Notion
  4. Start clicking on moods!

Some cool features:

  • 8 different moods to choose from
  • The face actually changes based on what you pick
  • It remembers your last mood
  • Looks good no matter what device you’re using

Nerdy stuff (for those who care):

It’s built with React, uses SVG for the graphics, and has regular CSS. Don’t worry if that doesn’t mean anything to you – it’ll still work just fine!

Questions people ask a lot:

“Do I need to be a tech genius to use this?”
Nope! If you can copy and paste, embed, you’re good to go.

“Can I change the moods?”
You bet! Want to add “Hangry” as a mood? Go for it!

“Will it slow down my notion page?”
It’s pretty lightweight, so probably not.

Why not give it a try?

Look, tracking your mood might sound a bit weird at first, but it can actually be pretty eye-opening. You might notice patterns you never realized before. Plus, the little faces are cute.

If you buy now, you’ll get:

  • Link which you need
  • Free updates forever
  • A virtual high-five from me

Bonus alert! Buy in the next 24 hours and I’ll throw in a free ebook: “7 Days to Understanding Your Emotions Better”. It’s like a personal trainer, but for your feelings.

So, what do you say? Ready to get in touch with your emotions? Hit that ‘Buy Now’ button and let’s do this!

Just a heads up: This widget is cool and all, but it’s not a replacement for actual mental health care. If you’re really struggling, please talk to a professional. They’re the real experts!

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